Where is the human being? Or are we just a physical body with diseases? Why do some get sick, and others don’t? Why do some who get sick recover and others not? Who is God? Is there a soul that animates the human being?… Therefore, I began my path to the other side of the coin… I began studying Traditional Oriental Medicine and that opened thousands of doors to knowledge that I investigated according to my curiosity, until I arrived where I am today. Go through Angelology, Metaphysics, Reiki, Dowsing, Feng-shui, Astrology, Numerology, Spiritual Response Therapy, Return to Beginning Therapy, Knowledge about Pendulums, Floral Therapies, Painting and sculpture, Crafts, and all the information you will come to. It led me to continue one path, sometimes I reached the point of deciding that it was not mine and followed another. The truth is that only my heart felt a passion for certain areas, and I dedicated myself to those. So today I stay practicing with what fills my heart and I continue to investigate other fields beyond human consciousness, it is no longer in search or understanding, now it is in integration of what I manage to help others on their path, which in the end it is what my heart knows as plenitude.
As a lover of the truth, I have understood that the truth is only in you, but we must return to the origin and truly discover our being. This is laborious, lonely, and we have energies around us that wear us down, that weaken us, that divert us, and that are not even yours, familiar weights that we drag without knowing why.
Today I not only offer you the therapies that I perform, but also my guidance on your path, if I offer you my support and if not, we will investigate it together…

“Only your own light can overcome the dense darkness”